Mermaids of Oklahoma are the Sooner State’s premiere performing professional mermaids and the state’s first and only performing team of PADI certified freedivers & scuba divers. We are highly experienced performers and swimmers who share a passion for creating magic and educating humans of all ages on conservation. With a combined total of well over 20 years in the children’s entertainment industry, our performers are experts at bringing imagination to life. Mermaids of Oklahoma is based in Oklahoma City, but we love traveling the state (and beyond!) to meet more humans and share our message of protecting the environment and our animal friends. We would love to make an appearance at your next party or event! With Mermaids of Oklahoma, you can rest assured that you are receiving the absolute best service from the state’s highest trained professional mermaids.

We consider ourselves "edutainers" - entertainers who educate, but we do so much more than perform! If you're looking for a unique way to promote your business, someone to speak to your classroom, and so much more, we'd love to give you a mer-mazing experience!
Events & Parties
Conservation & Community Cleanups
Modeling & Photography
Marketing & Sponsorships